Prev: Hagi & Kochi '80   (5 total pages) Click on any for a larger view   Next: Kyoto
Japan81     Hot noodles are welcome after a wet and freezing hike.
Nara 2/81 Tokyo Ise
Osaka Kyoto Nikko
Hisa & Bruce visit Japan, Feb. '81

1. Nara 2/81
Half year after Akemi and I visited Hisa in October 1980, Hisa and his roommate Bruce visited Japan in February. They stayed with Hisa's parents while in Tokyo but when they came to Osaka, they stayed with me. Akemi joined us from Tokyo on some of the sightseeing to Nara and Kyoto.
Nara, Horyuji Temple.
Horyuji Temple, built in 7th century AD, contains one of the oldest wooden building in Japan. It was designated UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993.

Five story pagoda at Horyuji










2. Tokyo
Tokyo, Nakagin Capsule building.

3. Ise
Hisa and Bruce stopped by at Ise Shrine at Ise on the way to Osaka.




4. Osaka


5. Kyoto
Hisa and Bruce went to Kyoto to sightsee while I worked during the week. On weekends I joined them and Akemi came over from Tokyo.












6. Nikko
Hisa and Bruce went to Nikko with Hisa's brother(?)


7. Kibukawa
I took Bruce to meet my aunt at Kibukawa.


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